Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
Szkolenie BHP
OHS training: 4 |
- | Pass | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 8 Laboratory exercises: 16 |
3 | Exam | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 8 Auditorium exercises: 8 |
2 | Exam | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 16 Auditorium exercises: 8 |
3 | Pass with grade | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 16 Auditorium exercises: 8 |
3 | Pass with grade | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 16 Laboratory exercises: 16 |
4 | Exam | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 16 |
2 | Pass with grade | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 8 |
1 | Pass with grade | Obligatory subjects |
Auditorium exercises: 8 |
2 | Pass with grade | Mandatory group |
Sum | 156 | 20 |
Major Management and Production Engineering
2025/26, second cycle (post-engineering degree), part-time studies
Kształcenia na kierunku Zarządzanie i inżynieria produkcji ma charakter interdyscyplinarny, który umożliwia kształcenie specjalistów potrafiących łączyć nowoczesną wiedzę i umiejętności inżynierskie z wiedzą i umiejętnościami menedżerskimi. Program studiów obejmuje głównie zagadnienia techniczno-inżynieryjne, jak też w mniejszym stopniu ekonomiczne. Kształcenie nawiązuje do popularnego w Europie Zachodniej kierunku engineering management, którego absolwenci uzyskują zawód inżyniera zarządzania, oraz do kierunków techniczno-ekonomicznych, dających umiejętność wykonywania zawodu zarówno inżyniera, jak i ekonomisty.
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
Lecture: 24 Auditorium exercises: 8 Laboratory exercises: 16 |
9 | Pass with grade | Mandatory group |
Lecture: 8 Laboratory exercises: 16 |
5 | Pass with grade | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 16 Auditorium exercises: 8 |
4 | Pass with grade | Obligatory subjects |
Sum | 48 | 9 |
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
Lecture: 16 Laboratory exercises: 32 |
9 | Pass with grade | Mandatory group |
Lecture: 8 Laboratory exercises: 16 |
4 | Pass with grade | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 8 Laboratory exercises: 16 |
5 | Pass with grade | Obligatory subjects |
Sum | 48 | 9 |
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
Lecture: 8 Laboratory exercises: 8 Project exercises: 8 |
4 | Pass with grade | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 8 Auditorium exercises: 16 |
4 | Exam | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 16 Auditorium exercises: 8 |
4 | Pass with grade | Obligatory subjects |
Language course: 18 |
2 | Pass with grade | Mandatory group |
18Student wybiera zajęcia z języka obcego |
Language course: 18 |
2 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Language course: 18 |
2 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Language course: 18 |
2 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Language course: 18 |
2 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Auditorium exercises: 8 |
2 | Pass with grade | Mandatory group |
Student realizuje seminarium zgodnie z wybranym profilem w semestrach 1, 2 i 3 |
Auditorium exercises: 8 |
2 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Sum | 98 | 16 |
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
Lecture: 32 Laboratory exercises: 32 Project exercises: 16 |
12 | Pass with grade | Mandatory group |
Lecture: 16 Laboratory exercises: 16 |
5 | Pass with grade | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 16 Project exercises: 16 |
5 | Pass with grade | Obligatory subjects |
Laboratory exercises: 16 |
2 | Pass with grade | Obligatory subjects |
Sum | 80 | 12 |
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
Lecture: 32 Laboratory exercises: 16 Project exercises: 32 |
12 | Pass with grade | Mandatory group |
Lecture: 16 Laboratory exercises: 16 |
5 | Pass with grade | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 16 Project exercises: 32 |
7 | Pass with grade | Obligatory subjects |
Sum | 80 | 12 |
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
Auditorium exercises: 8 |
2 | Pass with grade | Mandatory group |
Auditorium exercises: 8 |
2 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Language course: 18 |
2 | Pass with grade | Mandatory group |
Student realizuje zajęcia z języka obcego wybranego w semestrze 2 | ||||
Language course: 18 |
2 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Language course: 18 |
2 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Language course: 18 |
2 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Language course: 18 |
2 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Diploma thesis: 0 |
20 | - | Mandatory group |
Diploma thesis: 0 |
20 | - | Elective subjects |
Sum | 26 | 24 |
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
Lecture: 32 Auditorium exercises: 24 Laboratory exercises: 16 |
9 | Pass with grade | Mandatory group |
Lecture: 16 Laboratory exercises: 16 |
4 | Pass with grade | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 16 Auditorium exercises: 8 |
3 | Pass with grade | Obligatory subjects |
Auditorium exercises: 16 |
2 | Pass with grade | Obligatory subjects |
Sum | 72 | 9 |
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
Lecture: 32 Laboratory exercises: 32 |
9 | Pass with grade | Mandatory group |
Lecture: 8 Laboratory exercises: 16 |
2 | Pass with grade | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 16 Laboratory exercises: 16 |
4 | Pass with grade | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 8 Laboratory exercises: 8 |
3 | Pass with grade | Obligatory subjects |
Sum | 64 | 9 |