Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
Szkolenie BHP
OHS training: 4 |
- | Pass | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 16 Project exercises: 16 |
3 | Pass with grade | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 8 Project exercises: 16 |
2 | Pass with grade | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 14 Auditorium exercises: 16 |
3 | Exam | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 30 |
4 | Exam | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 8 Auditorium exercises: 16 |
3 | Exam | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 8 Project exercises: 8 |
2 | Pass with grade | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 8 |
1 | Pass with grade | Obligatory subjects |
Sum | 168 | 18 |
Major Civil Engineering
The studies are conducted in Polish. The studies start from winter semester, last for 4 semesters (2 years) and end with a vocational degree of Master of Science in Engineering.
The major Civil Engineering is also conducted in English – link do kierunku w sylabusie
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
Language course: 18 |
2 | Pass with grade | Mandatory group |
Do wyboru są zajęcia prowadzone w formie lektoratu w PSNJO SGGW lub w formie zajęć w języku angielskim. | ||||
Język obcy I
Language course: 18 |
2 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Lecture: 8 Project exercises: 8 |
1 | Pass with grade | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 8 Project exercises: 16 |
3 | Exam | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 16 Project exercises: 16 |
4 | Exam | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 8 Auditorium exercises: 6 Project exercises: 10 |
2 | Pass with grade | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 16 Laboratory exercises: 16 |
3 | Exam | Obligatory subjects |
Sum | 146 | 15 |
See additional information
W semestrach 2 i 3 studenci wybierają formę zajęć dotyczącą umiejętności komunikowania się w języku obcym; do wyboru są zajęcia prowadzone w formie lektoratu w PSNJO SGGW lub w formie zajęć w języku angielskim. Uruchomione są te przedmioty, które wybierze większa liczba studentów.
Studenci studiów niestacjonarnych mają do dyspozycji trzy moduły specjalizacyjne, przy czym na poszczególnych specjalizacjach mogą wybrać w sumie 6 przedmiotów (liczba studentów na poszczególnych specjalizacjach jest ograniczona). Moduły specjalizacyjne są realizowane w semestrach 2-4.
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
Contact hours: 16 |
3 | Pass with grade | Mandatory group |
1 przedmiot do wyboru (semestr 2) | ||||
Lecture: 16 |
3 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Lecture: 16 |
3 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Lecture: 8 Auditorium exercises: 8 |
3 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Sum | 16 | 3 |
See additional information
1 przedmiot do wyboru; uruchomiony będzie ten przedmiot, który wybierze większa liczba studentów
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
Contact hours: 16 |
3 | Pass with grade | Mandatory group |
1 przedmiot do wyboru (semestr 2) | ||||
Lecture: 2 Laboratory exercises: 14 |
3 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Lecture: 8 Project exercises: 8 |
3 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Lecture: 12 Laboratory exercises: 4 |
3 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Sum | 16 | 3 |
See additional information
1 przedmiot do wyboru; uruchomiony będzie ten przedmiot, który wybierze większa liczba studentów
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
Contact hours: 16 |
3 | Pass with grade | Mandatory group |
1 przedmiot do wyboru (semestr 2) | ||||
Lecture: 8 Auditorium exercises: 8 |
3 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Lecture: 8 Laboratory exercises: 8 |
3 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Lecture: 16 |
3 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Sum | 16 | 3 |
See additional information
1 przedmiot do wyboru; uruchomiony będzie ten przedmiot, który wybierze większa liczba studentów
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
Language course: 18 |
2 | Pass with grade | Mandatory group |
Do wyboru są zajęcia prowadzone w formie lektoratu w PSNJO SGGW lub w formie zajęć w języku angielskim. | ||||
Język obcy II
Language course: 18 |
2 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Lecture: 16 Project exercises: 16 |
3 | Pass with grade | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 8 Project exercises: 16 |
2 | Pass with grade | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 16 Project exercises: 16 |
3 | Pass with grade | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 16 Project exercises: 16 |
4 | Pass with grade | Obligatory subjects |
Sum | 138 | 14 |
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
Contact hours: 32 |
6 | Pass with grade | Mandatory group |
2 przedmioty do wyboru (semestr 3) | ||||
Lecture: 16 |
3 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Lecture: 8 Auditorium exercises: 8 |
3 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Lecture: 8 Project exercises: 8 |
3 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Lecture: 8 Project exercises: 8 |
3 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Auditorium exercises: 8 |
1 | Pass with grade | Obligatory subjects |
Sum | 40 | 7 |
See additional information
2 przedmioty do wyboru; uruchomione będą te przedmioty, które wybierze większa liczba studentów
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
Contact hours: 32 |
6 | Pass with grade | Mandatory group |
2 przedmioty do wyboru (semestr 3) | ||||
Lecture: 8 Project exercises: 8 |
3 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Auditorium exercises: 8 Project exercises: 8 |
3 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Lecture: 16 |
3 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Lecture: 8 Laboratory exercises: 8 |
3 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Auditorium exercises: 8 |
1 | Pass with grade | Obligatory subjects |
Sum | 40 | 7 |
See additional information
2 przedmioty do wyboru; uruchomione będą te przedmioty, które wybierze większa liczba studentów
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
Contact hours: 32 |
6 | Pass with grade | Mandatory group |
2 przedmioty do wyboru (semestr 3) | ||||
Lecture: 8 Project exercises: 8 |
3 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Auditorium exercises: 16 |
3 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Lecture: 16 |
3 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Lecture: 16 |
3 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Auditorium exercises: 8 |
1 | Pass with grade | Obligatory subjects |
Sum | 40 | 7 |
See additional information
2 przedmioty do wyboru; uruchomione będą te przedmioty, które wybierze większa liczba studentów
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
Lecture: 8 |
1 | Pass with grade | Mandatory group |
Lecture: 8 |
1 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Lecture: 8 |
1 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Lecture: 8 |
1 | Pass with grade | Obligatory subjects |
Diploma thesis: 0 |
20 | Exam | Mandatory group |
Praca dyplomowa
Diploma thesis: 0 |
20 | Exam | Elective subjects |
Sum | 16 | 22 |
See additional information
W semestrze 4. studenci wybierają przedmiot społeczno-humanistyczny. Uruchomione będą te przedmioty, które wybierze większa liczba studentów.
Studenci wybierają 3 przedmioty w ramach specjalizacji, którą realizują od sem. 2.
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
Contact hours: 48 |
9 | Pass with grade | Mandatory group |
3 przedmioty do wyboru (semestr 4) | ||||
Lecture: 8 Project exercises: 8 |
3 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Lecture: 8 Project exercises: 8 |
3 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Lecture: 8 Project exercises: 8 |
3 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Lecture: 8 Laboratory exercises: 2 Project exercises: 6 |
3 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Lecture: 8 Project exercises: 8 |
3 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Lecture: 16 |
3 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Lecture: 8 Auditorium exercises: 8 |
3 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Auditorium exercises: 16 |
2 | Pass with grade | Obligatory subjects |
Sum | 64 | 11 |
See additional information
3 przedmioty do wyboru; uruchomione będą te przedmioty, które wybierze większa liczba studentów
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
Contact hours: 48 |
9 | Pass with grade | Mandatory group |
3 przedmioty do wyboru (semestr 4) | ||||
Auditorium exercises: 8 Project exercises: 8 |
3 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Lecture: 8 Project exercises: 8 |
3 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Project exercises: 16 |
3 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Lecture: 8 Auditorium exercises: 8 |
3 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Lecture: 8 Project exercises: 8 |
3 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Lecture: 8 Auditorium exercises: 8 |
3 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Lecture: 8 Project exercises: 8 |
3 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Seminar exercises: 16 |
2 | Pass with grade | Obligatory subjects |
Sum | 64 | 11 |
See additional information
3 przedmioty do wyboru; uruchomione będą te przedmioty, które wybierze większa liczba studentów
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
Contact hours: 48 |
9 | Pass with grade | Mandatory group |
3 przedmioty do wyboru (semestr 4) | ||||
Lecture: 8 Auditorium exercises: 8 |
3 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Lecture: 16 |
3 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Lecture: 16 |
3 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Lecture: 16 |
3 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Lecture: 4 Laboratory exercises: 12 |
3 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Lecture: 8 Project exercises: 8 |
3 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Lecture: 8 Project exercises: 8 |
3 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Auditorium exercises: 16 |
2 | Pass with grade | Obligatory subjects |
Sum | 64 | 11 |
See additional information
3 przedmioty do wyboru; uruchomione będą te przedmioty, które wybierze większa liczba studentów