Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
Szkolenie BHP
OHS training: 4 |
- | Pass | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 15 Auditorium exercises: 30 |
4 | Exam | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 30 Auditorium exercises: 15 |
4 | Pass with grade | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 30 Auditorium exercises: 30 |
5 | Exam | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 30 Auditorium exercises: 20 Laboratory exercises: 10 |
5 | Exam | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 30 Auditorium exercises: 15 |
4 | Pass with grade | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 30 Auditorium exercises: 11 Laboratory exercises: 4 |
4 | Exam | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 30 |
2 | Pass with grade | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 15 |
1 | Pass with grade | Obligatory subjects |
Auditorium exercises: 15 |
1 | Pass with grade | Mandatory group |
Sum | 364 | 30 |
Major Renewable Energy Technology
2025/26, second cycle (post-engineering degree), full-time studies
Studia na kierunku Technologie Energii Odnawialnej mieszczą się w dziedzinie Nauk inżynieryjno-technicznych i mają charakter interdyscyplinarny z wiodącą dyscypliną Inżynieria mechaniczna oraz dyscypliną komplementarną Inżynieria środowiska, górnictwo i energetyka. Student, jako specjalista łączący nowoczesną wiedzę i umiejętności inżynierskie z wiedzą i umiejętnościami menedżerskimi ma kwalifikacje odpowiadające aktualnym wymaganiom gospodarki, a w szczególności sektora energetyki na szczeblu lokalnym. Kształcenie dostosowane jest do proekologicznej polityki Unii Europejskiej, której wyrazem jest wspieranie rozwoju energetyki odnawialnej.
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
Lecture: 15 Auditorium exercises: 30 Project exercises: 15 |
5 | Pass with grade | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 15 Auditorium exercises: 45 |
5 | Exam | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 30 Auditorium exercises: 15 |
3 | Exam | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 30 Project exercises: 15 |
4 | Pass with grade | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 15 Auditorium exercises: 30 |
4 | Pass with grade | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 30 Project exercises: 15 |
3 | Pass with grade | Mandatory group |
Studenci większością głosów decydują o tym, który z przedmiotów będzie realizowany | ||||
Lecture: 30 Project exercises: 15 |
3 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Lecture: 30 Project exercises: 15 |
3 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Lecture: 30 Project exercises: 15 |
3 | Pass with grade | Mandatory group |
Studenci większością głosów decydują o tym, który z przedmiotów będzie realizowany | ||||
Lecture: 30 Project exercises: 15 |
3 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Lecture: 30 Project exercises: 15 |
3 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Language course: 30 |
2 | Pass with grade | Mandatory group |
Student wybiera zajęcia z języka obcego | ||||
Language course: 30 |
2 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Language course: 30 |
2 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Language course: 30 |
2 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Language course: 30 |
2 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Auditorium exercises: 15 |
1 | Pass with grade | Mandatory group |
Auditorium exercises: 15 |
1 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Sum | 390 | 30 |
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
Lecture: 30 |
1 | Pass with grade | Obligatory subjects |
Auditorium exercises: 15 Project exercises: 15 |
3 | Pass with grade | Obligatory subjects |
Auditorium exercises: 15 |
2 | Pass with grade | Mandatory group |
Auditorium exercises: 15 |
2 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Lecture: 30 |
2 | Pass with grade | Mandatory group |
Lecture: 30 |
2 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Lecture: 30 |
2 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Language course: 30 |
2 | Exam | Mandatory group |
Student realizuje zajęcia z języka obcego wybranego w semestrze 2 | ||||
Language course: 30 |
2 | Exam | Elective subjects |
Language course: 30 |
2 | Exam | Elective subjects |
Language course: 30 |
2 | Exam | Elective subjects |
Language course: 30 |
2 | Exam | Elective subjects |
Diploma thesis: 0 |
20 | - | Mandatory group |
Diploma thesis: 0 |
20 | - | Elective subjects |
Sum | 135 | 30 |