Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
Szkolenie BHP
OHS training: 4 |
- | Pass | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 30 Laboratory exercises: 30 |
5 | Exam | Obligatory subjects |
Laboratory exercises: 30 |
2 | Pass with grade | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 30 Laboratory exercises: 30 |
5 | Exam | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 45 Laboratory exercises: 30 |
7 | Exam | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 30 Laboratory exercises: 30 |
5 | Exam | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 15 |
1 | Pass with grade | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 15 Auditorium exercises: 15 |
2 | Pass with grade | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 15 Auditorium exercises: 15 |
2 | Pass with grade | Obligatory subjects |
Sum | 364 | 29 |
Major Biotechnology
Biotechnologia to kierunek dla tych, którzy chcą pomóc ludziom i planecie poprzez zrozumienie i wykorzystanie naturalnych mechanizmów biologicznych i zaawansowanej technologii. Jest to kierunek multidyscyplinarny łączący wiedzę z dziedzin przyrodniczych i technicznych, kładący nacisk na praktyczne umiejętności pracy w laboratoriach i wiedzę biologiczną zaktualizowaną najnowszymi odkryciami naukowymi. W programie studiów znajdują się takie przedmioty jak biologia komórki, biologia molekularna, bioinformatyka, chemia organiczna, genetyka, fizjologia roślin i zwierząt, inżynieria genetyczna, biofizyka, mikrobiologia weterynaryjna i przemysłowa. Wszechstronność tego kierunku sprawia, że absolwenci z sukcesem znajdują zatrudnienie w biurach i laboratoriach polskich i zagranicznych firm biotechnologicznych, farmaceutycznych, diagnostycznych, w najlepszych instytutach badawczych, samorządach, oraz instytucjach związanych z edukacją i szeroko pojętą biogospodarką.
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
Laboratory exercises: 15 |
1 | Pass with grade | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 30 Laboratory exercises: 30 |
5 | Exam | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 15 Laboratory exercises: 15 |
2 | Pass with grade | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 30 Auditorium exercises: 3 Laboratory exercises: 21 Field exercises: 6 |
5 | Exam | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 10 Laboratory exercises: 15 |
2 | Pass with grade | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 10 Laboratory exercises: 15 |
2 | Pass with grade | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 5 Laboratory exercises: 30 |
2 | Pass with grade | Obligatory subjects |
Field exercises: 10 |
1 | Pass | Obligatory subjects |
Physical education: 30 |
- | Pass | Mandatory group |
Physical education: 30 |
- | Pass | Elective subjects |
Lecture: 30 |
2 | Pass with grade | Mandatory group |
Student wybiera przedmioty za łączną liczbę ECTS 2 | ||||
Lecture: 30 |
2 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Lecture: 30 |
2 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Lecture: 15 Auditorium exercises: 15 |
2 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Lecture: 15 Laboratory exercises: 15 |
4 | Pass with grade | Mandatory group |
Student wybiera przedmioty za łączną liczbę ECTS 4 |
Lecture: 15 Laboratory exercises: 15 |
2 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Lecture: 15 Laboratory exercises: 15 |
2 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Lecture: 15 Laboratory exercises: 15 |
2 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Lecture: 30 |
2 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Language course: 60 |
3 | Pass with grade | Mandatory group |
Student wybiera zajęcia z języka obcego |
Language course: 60 |
3 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Language course: 60 |
3 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Language course: 60 |
3 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Language course: 60 |
3 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Sum | 410 | 29 |
See additional information
Student jest zobowiązany zapisać się na zajęcia w-f w terminie wskazanym przez Studium Wychowania Fizycznego i Sportu. Studenci zapisują się na wybrany lektorat przed rozpoczęciem semestru w terminach podanych przez SPNJO.
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
Lecture: 30 Laboratory exercises: 30 |
5 | Exam | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 30 Laboratory exercises: 30 |
5 | Exam | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 30 Laboratory exercises: 30 |
5 | Exam | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 30 Laboratory exercises: 30 |
5 | Exam | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 40 Laboratory exercises: 20 |
4 | Exam | Obligatory subjects |
Contact hours: 75 |
4 | Pass with grade | Mandatory group |
Student wybiera przedmioty za łączną liczbę ECTS 4 |
Lecture: 15 Auditorium exercises: 15 |
2 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Lecture: 15 Laboratory exercises: 15 |
2 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Lecture: 15 Auditorium exercises: 15 |
2 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Lecture: 15 Laboratory exercises: 15 |
2 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Grafika inżynierska
Laboratory exercises: 15 |
2 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Language course: 60 |
3 | Pass with grade | Mandatory group |
Language course: 60 |
3 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Language course: 60 |
3 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Language course: 60 |
3 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Language course: 60 |
3 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Physical education: 30 |
- | Pass | Mandatory group |
Physical education: 30 |
- | Pass | Elective subjects |
Contact hours: 2 |
1 | Exam | Obligatory subjects |
Sum | 467 | 32 |
See additional information
Student jest zobowiązany zapisać się na zajęcia w-f w terminie wskazanym przez Studium Wychowania Fizycznego i Sportu. Studenci kontynuują naukę języka obcego.
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
Lecture: 30 Laboratory exercises: 30 |
5 | Exam | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 30 Laboratory exercises: 15 |
3 | Pass with grade | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 30 Laboratory exercises: 30 |
5 | Exam | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 30 Laboratory exercises: 30 |
4 | Exam | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 15 Laboratory exercises: 15 |
2 | Pass with grade | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 15 Laboratory exercises: 30 |
3 | Exam | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 15 Laboratory exercises: 15 |
2 | Pass with grade | Obligatory subjects |
Contact hours: 90 |
6 | Pass with grade | Mandatory group |
Student wybiera przedmioty za łączną liczbę ECTS 6 | ||||
Lecture: 15 Laboratory exercises: 15 |
2 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Lecture: 10 Laboratory exercises: 20 |
2 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Lecture: 15 Laboratory exercises: 15 |
2 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Lecture: 15 Laboratory exercises: 10 Field exercises: 5 |
2 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Project exercises: 30 |
2 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Lecture: 15 Laboratory exercises: 15 |
2 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Project exercises: 30 |
2 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Sum | 420 | 30 |
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
Lecture: 15 Laboratory exercises: 45 |
6 | Exam | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 30 Laboratory exercises: 15 |
4 | Exam | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 15 Laboratory exercises: 45 |
6 | Exam | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 15 Laboratory exercises: 15 |
2 | Pass with grade | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 20 |
2 | Pass with grade | Obligatory subjects |
Laboratory exercises: 30 |
2 | Pass with grade | Obligatory subjects |
Contact hours: 120 |
8 | Pass with grade | Mandatory group |
Student wybiera przedmioty za łączną liczbę ECTS 8 | ||||
Lecture: 30 |
2 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Lecture: 15 Laboratory exercises: 15 |
2 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Lecture: 15 Laboratory exercises: 15 |
2 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Lecture: 30 |
2 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Lecture: 15 Laboratory exercises: 15 |
2 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Lecture: 12 Laboratory exercises: 18 |
2 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Lecture: 15 Laboratory exercises: 15 |
2 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Lecture: 15 Laboratory exercises: 15 |
2 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Lecture: 20 Laboratory exercises: 10 |
2 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Lecture: 15 Project exercises: 15 |
2 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Sum | 365 | 30 |
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
Lecture: 20 Laboratory exercises: 45 |
6 | Exam | Obligatory subjects |
Laboratory exercises: 30 |
3 | Pass with grade | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 15 Laboratory exercises: 45 |
6 | Exam | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 30 Laboratory exercises: 15 |
3 | Exam | Obligatory subjects |
Contact hours: 135 |
12 | Exam/pass with grade | Mandatory group |
Student wybiera przedmioty za łączną liczbę ECTS 12 | ||||
Lecture: 15 Auditorium exercises: 15 |
2 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Lecture: 15 Laboratory exercises: 30 |
4 | Exam | Elective subjects |
Lecture: 15 Laboratory exercises: 30 |
4 | Exam | Elective subjects |
Lecture: 30 |
2 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Lecture: 15 Laboratory exercises: 15 |
2 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Lecture: 15 |
1 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Lecture: 15 Auditorium exercises: 25 Field exercises: 5 |
4 | Exam | Elective subjects |
Lecture: 10 Laboratory exercises: 5 |
1 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Lecture: 15 Laboratory exercises: 15 |
2 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Project exercises: 30 |
2 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Sum | 335 | 30 |
See additional information
Student składa ankietę wyboru tematu pracy dyplomowej.
Po semestrze 6 w okresie letnim, student realizuje 4 tygodnie praktyki zawodowej.
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
Lecture: 30 Laboratory exercises: 15 |
4 | Exam | Obligatory subjects |
Auditorium exercises: 30 |
2 | Pass with grade | Mandatory group |
Auditorium exercises: 30 |
2 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Apprenticeships: 160 |
6 | Pass | Mandatory group |
Apprenticeships: 160 |
6 | Pass | Obligatory subjects |
Contact hours: 45 |
3 | Pass with grade | Mandatory group |
Student wybiera przedmioty za łączną liczbę ECTS 3 |
Laboratory exercises: 15 |
1 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Lecture: 15 |
1 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Lecture: 15 Laboratory exercises: 15 |
2 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Lecture: 15 |
1 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Lecture: 15 |
1 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Diploma thesis: 0 |
15 | - | Mandatory group |
Student wybiera tematykę pracy dyplomowej | ||||
Diploma thesis: 0 |
15 | - | Obligatory subjects |
Sum | 280 | 30 |