Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
Szkolenie BHP
OHS training: 4 |
- | Pass | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 15, including remote classes:
1 | Pass with grade | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 15 Auditorium exercises: 15 |
3 | Exam | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 15 Auditorium exercises: 15 |
3 | Pass with grade | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 15 Auditorium exercises: 15 |
3 | Pass with grade | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 30 Auditorium exercises: 30 |
5 | Exam | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 30 Auditorium exercises: 30 |
6 | Exam | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 15 |
2 | Pass with grade | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 30, including remote classes:
3 | Pass with grade | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 15, including remote classes:
4 | Pass with grade | Obligatory subjects |
Sum | 319 | 30 |
Major Management
The studies are conducted in English. They start in the winter semester, last six semesters (three years), and culminate in a vocational degree „bachelor.”
Graduates possess knowledge in management sciences and related disciplines concerning the essence, regularities, and problems of functioning enterprises and public institutions and how to effectively and efficiently solve these problems. They are also capable of effective communication, negotiation, and teamwork. A distinguishing feature of management graduates at SGGW is their understanding of the specifics of enterprises and economic entities operating in the agribusiness sector.
Graduates of this program find employment in institutions and enterprises related to agribusiness, trade and services, various consulting agencies, and economic and self-government organisations.
In the first week of classes, the student is required to complete occupational health and safety training. By the end of the first semester, they also undertake library training and training on discrimination and its prevention. All trainings are conducted using distance learning techniques on the platform:
Link to faculty website:
The full study program is available at the following link: z110-US40-zarzadzanieEN-I-S-24_25.pdf (
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
Lecture: 15 Auditorium exercises: 15 |
3 | Pass with grade | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 30 Auditorium exercises: 30 |
5 | Exam | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 30 Auditorium exercises: 30 |
5 | Exam | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 15 Auditorium exercises: 15 |
3 | Pass with grade | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 30 Auditorium exercises: 15 |
4 | Exam | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 15 Auditorium exercises: 30 |
4 | Exam | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 30, including remote classes:
3 | Pass with grade | Obligatory subjects |
Language course: 60 |
3 | Pass with grade | Mandatory group |
Student/ka realizuje zajęcia z języka obcego z oferty SPNJO. |
Language course: 60 |
3 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Language course: 60 |
3 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Language course: 60 |
3 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Language course: 60 |
3 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Physical education: 30 |
- | Pass | Mandatory group |
Student/ka realizuje zajęcia z wychowania fizycznego wybrane z oferty SWFiS. |
Physical education: 30 |
- | Pass | Elective subjects |
Sum | 390 | 30 |
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
Lecture: 30, including remote classes:
3 | Pass with grade | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 15 Auditorium exercises: 15 |
3 | Pass with grade | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 15 Auditorium exercises: 15 |
3 | Pass with grade | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 15 Laboratory exercises: 30 |
4 | Exam | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 30 Auditorium exercises: 15 |
4 | Exam | Obligatory subjects |
Language course: 60 |
3 | Pass with grade | Mandatory group |
Student/ka realizuje zajęcia z języka obcego z oferty SPNJO. |
Language course: 60 |
3 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Language course: 60 |
3 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Language course: 60 |
3 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Language course: 60 |
3 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Contact hours: 2 |
1 | Exam | Obligatory subjects |
Physical education: 30 |
- | Pass | Mandatory group |
Student/ka realizuje zajęcia z wychowania fizycznego z oferty SWFiS. |
Physical education: 30 |
- | Pass | Elective subjects |
Lecture: 40, including remote classes:
6 | Pass with grade | Mandatory group |
Student/ka wybiera dwa przedmioty kierunkowe z oferty WE. |
Wydziałowa lista zajęć do wyboru
Lecture: 40, including remote classes:
6 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Lecture: 20, including remote classes:
3 | Pass with grade | Mandatory group |
Student/ka wybiera jeden przedmiot dowolny z oferty WE. |
Wydziałowa lista zajęć do wyboru
Lecture: 20, including remote classes:
3 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Sum | 362 | 30 |
See additional information
Student/ka wybiera 2 przedmioty kierunkowe i 1 przedmiot dowolny z oferty WE.
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
Lecture: 30, including remote classes:
3 | Pass with grade | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 15 Auditorium exercises: 15 |
3 | Pass with grade | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 30 Laboratory exercises: 30 |
5 | Exam | Obligatory subjects |
Field exercises: 15 |
2 | Pass | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 15 Laboratory exercises: 30 |
5 | Exam | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 30 |
3 | Pass with grade | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 40, including remote classes:
6 | Pass with grade | Mandatory group |
Student/ka wybiera dwa przedmioty kierunkowe z oferty WE. |
Wydziałowa lista zajęć do wyboru
Lecture: 40, including remote classes:
6 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Lecture: 20, including remote classes:
3 | Pass with grade | Mandatory group |
Student/ka wybiera jeden przedmiot dowolny z oferty WE. |
Wydziałowa lista zajęć do wyboru
Lecture: 20, including remote classes:
3 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Sum | 300 | 30 |
See additional information
Student/ka wybiera 2 przedmioty kierunkowe i 1 przedmiot dowolny z oferty WE.
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
Lecture: 15 |
1 | Pass | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 15 Auditorium exercises: 15 |
3 | Pass with grade | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 15 Laboratory exercises: 30 |
4 | Exam | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 15 Auditorium exercises: 15 |
4 | Exam | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 15, including remote classes:
3 | Pass with grade | Obligatory subjects |
Apprenticeships: 180 |
6 | Pass | Mandatory group |
Apprenticeships: 180 |
6 | Pass | Elective subjects |
Auditorium exercises: 15 |
1 | Pass with grade | Mandatory group |
Auditorium exercises: 15 |
1 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Lecture: 40, including remote classes:
6 | Pass with grade | Mandatory group |
Student/ka wybiera dwa przedmioty kierunkowe z oferty WE. |
Wydziałowa lista zajęć do wyboru
Lecture: 40, including remote classes:
6 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Lecture: 15 |
2 | Pass with grade | Mandatory group |
Student/ka wybiera jeden przedmiot w języku obcym z oferty WE. |
Wydziałowa lista zajęć do wyboru
Lecture: 15 |
2 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Sum | 420 | 30 |
See additional information
Student/ka wybiera 2 przedmioty kierunkowe i 1 przedmiot w języku obcym z oferty WE.
Subject | Number of hours | ECTS points | Form of verification | Mandatory |
Lecture: 15 Auditorium exercises: 15 |
3 | Pass with grade | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 30, including remote classes:
4 | Exam | Obligatory subjects |
Lecture: 15 Laboratory exercises: 15 |
3 | Pass with grade | Obligatory subjects |
Auditorium exercises: 30 |
2 | Pass with grade | Mandatory group |
Auditorium exercises: 30 |
2 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Lecture: 40, including remote classes:
6 | Pass with grade | Mandatory group |
Student/ka wybiera dwa przedmioty kierunkowe z oferty WE. |
Wydziałowa lista zajęć do wyboru
Lecture: 40, including remote classes:
6 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Lecture: 15 |
2 | Pass with grade | Mandatory group |
Student/ka wybiera jeden przedmiot w języku obcym z oferty WE. |
Wydziałowa lista zajęć do wyboru
Lecture: 15 |
2 | Pass with grade | Elective subjects |
Diploma thesis: 0 |
10 | - | Mandatory group |
Praca dyplomowa
Diploma thesis: 0 |
10 | - | Elective subjects |
Sum | 210 | 30 |
See additional information
Student/ka wybiera 2 przedmioty kierunkowe i 1 przedmiot w języku obcym z oferty WE.